So today marked a milestone on our get organised for Africa calendar...we now have all our travel vaccinations woohoo time to celebrate! and we saved the best till last... that's right grand old yellow fever you know its so special you even get a certificate... and I might add that I'm so sad that the fact I get a certificate totally makes up for the fact that its a bloody nasty little bugger of a jab... all on a funny angle close to the skin... made me feel all queasy and yuck...but I got a certificate so its all good in the hood!
Yellow fever- "The only disease specifically designated in the international health regulations (2005) for which proof of vaccination or prophylaxis may be required as a condition of entry to a state party is yellow fever"
so this wee certificate is my passport into many an African nation excellent plus!
but back to my story.... whilst at the travel clinic the nurse told us to go ask at a few different pharmacies for quotes on the dreaded anti-malarial's all she told us was "ask for Doxycycline or Larium should be about 20p per tablet" so off we trudge into the Tesco pharmacy where we ask the young girl at the counter... she the asks the pharmacist.... and the pharmacist is like "what exactly do you want?" we look at each other confused.... then look back at her and sort of shrug our shoulders and say rather sheepishly "the nurse just told us to ask for Doxycycline???" the pharmacist is like "well if you don't know what you want I cant tell you anything" but then looks on the computer types something in and says "Doxycycline 100mg £2.00 per tablet Doxycycline 50mg £2.00 per tablet".... this is the point where we walk away in disgust at this bollocky women and her lack of knowledge and her complete lack of interest in helping... heaven forbid a customer might actually need some help! so we left Tesco with a slightly sinking feeling in the pit of our stomachs for if it is really £2.00 per tablet that would make it about a million bajillion pounds instead of the approx £70 if it were only 20p per tablet! however when we reached home loaded up the computer and google searched we found out.... the average price of doxycycline is 14p per tablet.... shove that up your bum stupid Tesco women who don't know anything!.......
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