At the moment all my reading seems to have an African theme (surprise surprise) I've just read five travel writing books in a row (well four and a half the last one is about half the size of me so theres no way I'm carting that all the way to work for 20 Min's reading on my lunch break! so at the mo i have an at home book and an away book) after non-stop travel reading I'm now into African themed novels starting with (for no particular reason) white mischief by James fox alot more raunchy then i was expecting how scandalous it all was there in happy valley...... i also have heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad on order from the library and a list as long as both my arms to find somewhere...
Anyway onto the actual point of my post....the giant book I'm still reading is entitled Geldof in Africa and I'm sure you can guess what its about...that's right its about Bob Geldof in Africa! its a whole bunch of his stories ramblings and thoughts from over the years whacked together with some really awesome photographs its a great read! any who yesterday i turned the page to a story called Neet Deet basically its a ranting account of him wanting to be in a nice hotel room (hes in a gross sounding hovel where some unknown bugs are eating another bug alive.... nice!) in this rant he rants about how he forgot his bottled water so has to make spit to take his Malarone (anti-malaria meds)which gets me to here.... Bob Geldof uses Malarone lucky him...Malarone is the "best'" anti-malaria medication currently on offer with the least side effects and can be taken whilst on other medication but for a whopping £2.50 per tablet (one tablet per day and you need to take them a few days before you go and a week after you get back) they are way out of our price range the anti-malarial that looks the best to us cost wise is a once a week pill side effects....vivid dreams...not to bad i already have crazy whacked out dreams wouldn't be anything new another possible side effect is.....phychocis.....emmmm.... wonderful....I'm not really sure i want to go loopy and murderous whilst in the African countryside there are more options but like I've pointed out with these two each has lovely pros and cons it would seem we either go crazy due to bankrupting ourselves or crazy due to drugs oh dear.....
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