The day to day commings and goings of a traveller at a standstill.....

Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journy

-Fitzhugh Mullan

Monday 14 March 2011

so after 4 days she still had not showered but did she ....well proberly best not to get to close!

Hello from Sudan a country which is friggin beautiful with the most wonderful people i dont have a single complaint thats right not even the fact that i have not bathed in comming up 5 days upsets me!..(ok i may have cheated and had a whores bath with some baby wipes...but LP did it to!)...we arrived across the border from Ethiopia in wha has to be one of longest crossings amazing since we actually already had our visas...(plus im pretty sure the last man we had to see just wanted to show off his MASSIVE tv) we crossed over and drove for a while then left the road and camped in the desert under the stars...(in our tent)..the only thing tat made it better was the mac and cheese we dined on! next day we arrived into Khartoum where we pitched our tents in the grounds of the blue Nile sailing club oh so very posh except it wast really...but the grass was spongy the view ove rthe river was great and there was a little man a blender an ice machine and a whole pile of mangos hello fresh juice...will you be my best friend(insert question mark here this bizzare keyboard doesnt seem to have one...) so anywho Khartoum exploring was pretty much limited to where we could go on foot so it was the money changer the internet cafe(which im actually fairly certain was a computer school and they just let us in to be kind...internet ran like a dream and only cost 1 pound and thats a Sudan pound baby!)...then the supermarket the post office a spot of Shwarma for lunch then back to the sialing club for the afternoon cooled down we headed to the Ethnology museum which was quite cool small and only took about 20mins to see but we lingered in the air conditioned bliss.... that night we had a BBQ and a few...cups of tea....what else would we drink....theres no way a cold beer is worth 40 lashes...(insert any alcoholic drink for beer)...after leaving Khartoum we have spent the last 3 days driving a bit seeing a few sights bush camping and continuing on first sights we saw were some ruins at Naqa we looked from a distence as it was an unplanned site and the entrance fee was a bit much we then drove onto musawwarat but we never made it as we got stuck in the sand three times so in the end decided to camp and go see the ruins in the morning the campsite again was in the desert sleeping on the nice soft sand..(in our tent)...the next morning we were up bright and brezzy and drove a whole 5 mins to Musawwarat first off we looked at the lion temple which was reconstructed in 1960 so you can actually see what it looked like back in the day then we walked around the great enclosure which is all ruins some stuff is is kept in a little museum to keep it safe from the elements this is the only stuff that has information but the ruins are still breath taking after a few hours walking around we hopped on the truck and drove to Meroe this is Sudans biggest tourist stop and yet we had the whole place to ourselves it was wonderful at tis site only the recontructed pyrimids still have there tops as back in the day some jerk off treasure hunter went looking for treasure he knocked the tops off every one and only hit the jack pot once....we spent ages here taking in the desert the pryrimds the camals eveything several times we stopped and just sat in the sand and looked and were lucky enough to disover a nest way up top the back of one of the pryrimis with a baby eagle insde just watching us watching it!... we drove just round behind a sand dune and camped up for the night we spent some time chasing a huge camal spider...(which is actually not a spider its a solifugae)..... we went to bed and the wind died down we then made a huge mistake by leaving our tent open with just the misquito ets closed we woke up at 1.30am in the middle of a sand storm we were covered in sand sleeping bags full the works...not a pleasent sleep i assure you... next day we drove to Jebel barkal the holy mountain there are also some really well preserved pyrimids here and also the largest kushite temple in ruins of course.... we stopped ate some lunch the set about scrambling for the top where we posed for a bunch of pctures and took in a birds eye veiw of the ruins the scennery was amazing from that height especially the change in enviromet from the blue of the nile to the lush green of the date palms to the aburbt start of the desert rather spectacuklar really....we slid down a sand side which was so hot i had to sit on my bum and was that or cry the sand was so hot it was rather fun but my pants did fill with sand! day we drove and drove and drove some more but it wasnt a bad day as the wind was strong so it never got to hot...this morning we drove about an hour to Wadi Halfa where we were told the ferry was leaving in the afternoon so we rushed about getting the stuff we would need for about three days as the truck goes seperatly alll that rushing and it turns out the ferry actually goes on ednesday like we thought so after internetting and what have you we will drive back to the desert and camp.... (the hotels here are not to awesome) another day without a shower....See you in Egypt! .....

once again i say sorry for the spelling....

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