The day to day commings and goings of a traveller at a standstill.....

Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journy

-Fitzhugh Mullan

Monday 7 February 2011

Google Putzi fly...its not pretty!

So yesterday LP was feeling miserable.... his own fault of course....he was nursing a chronic hangover it was a big night that i don't remember...mostly because i wasn't there...and that he doesn't remember due to the copious amounts of tequila he consumed! anywho yesterday afternoon his day got even worse he had seven "spider bites" five on one arm one on his stomach and one on his head above his eye....(which swelled right up making him look half Asian giving him the new nickname Li) anywho again turns out they wernt spider bites they were Putzi fly larvae that's right LP had maggots in his arm...they lay their eggs on wet clothes.. (laundry) and then when you wear the clothes they burrow in and feed we had to cover them over with Vaseline to suffocate them and when they wriggled to the surface squeeze them like a big zit then pull out the offending maggot with tweezers quite a gruesome thing really and very pain filled LP described them as little hot needles wiggling in and out! word from the now wise make sure laundry is in full sunlight and if it doesn't get sun blasted don't wear it for at least five days!...we do of course have photos and i also believe that Mark has a little baggy of the maggots kicking about somewhere!....

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