The day to day commings and goings of a traveller at a standstill.....

Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journy

-Fitzhugh Mullan

Wednesday 17 November 2010

We jumped the worlds highest bungee...need i say more...

Of course i friggin need to say more cuz theres so much to tell! so let me put some dates in here so you know where i am and i know where i am and it saves confusion on both ends cuz lets face it I've confused myself already with this its a Thursday the 11th of November and we leave Knysna (from where i last blogged) we left camp around 8am and let me tell you was i in a foul mood or what? (pretty much because later that morning i was planning on flinging myself off the worlds highest single span concrete bridge also home to the Guinness world record holding highest bungee) at about 9.30am we pulled into Bloukrans bridge where we paid, were weighed, harnessed and had a quick safety briefing before walking out to the middle of the bridge on a "bridge walk" for those of you not mental enough to have ever done this its basically a metal meshy cage bolted onto the underside of the bridge so yes you can see straight down into the gorge (where the river runs a muddy reddish the guide says from all those crapping their pants) when we got to the jumping platform we were told our jumping order LP was second i was third so he saw me as he was being hoisted back up and i watched him on the screen i jumped like a retard... it basically looked like i was trying to climb back up whilst jumping but LP jumped like a bungee ballerina so graceful sailing through the air...the bungee is 216m with a 4 second free fall and a 3 second pendulum swing then a minute to be winched back up (a full 60 seconds of major wedgie time)...we have a huge number of photos as proof as well as certificates...I'm so proud of us...and i was the only girl so even prouder of me!.... that afternoon we arrived at Tsitsikamma national park for one night it was friggin windy and rainy and in the campsite we saw a massive baboon apart from that we chillaxed....

12th November we arrived into Addo Elephant park where we set up camp,checked out the watering hole for a few hours (saw some Kudu in the far away distance) that afternoon we did a game drive as the day cooled down saw heaps of elephants (funnily enough) including several teeny tiny babies they are so friggin cute the curl their little trunks round the mamma's back legs as the walk and a juvy mock charged our truck which was quite exciting...the park hands out checklists so i was in my element checking off animals while LP took photos we also saw black backed Jackals meercats,yellow mongoose kudu and some day we did two more drives one at the crack of dawn and one late afternoon we checked off buffalo,a boomslang snake,osterich zebra eland red hartebeeste and a dung beetle ....

14th November we spent almost all day driving when we arrived at Chintsa ready to set up camp and get some food only to get well and truely stuck in the mud! we spent about 4 hours in total getting covered in mud (some alot more covered then others...i put up tents and carried bags up and down for peeps) that night we had to leave the truck stranded in the very churned up road to await being pulled out the next day (by a 4x4 pulling a tractor pulling the truck all in all it got out but it took a broken bull bar 1 broken chain a broken cord thing and some broken strappy things) that night was a big one getting back to camp after 4am with not everyone making it into tents and several waking up with drunken related injuries....(not me i was sober to tell all the tales mwaaaahahahah)....

15th November we spent the morning in camp with most peeps nursing their heads then after lunch we headed for a very quick spot of beaching the wind was roaring so after a quick swim and a spot of hole digging we retreated to the pool which we didn't swim in we played a fierce few hours of volleyball and played with Bella the dog (who adopted us and spent all evening the night and next morning trailing us around even sleeping away from home cuz she loved me so much!)...

16th November spent a good 12 hours trucking along the coast...nothing to report there....

17th November arrived in St Lucia where we will be staying at another national park on the look out for leopard and white rhino we have just had some delightfilled Wimpys and are feeling stuffed....(ruining my concentration is the Jesus music playing here in the Internet cafe and the fact that the e key sticks every time i push it!) to Swaziland on Friday....LOVING IT!....

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