The day to day commings and goings of a traveller at a standstill.....

Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journy

-Fitzhugh Mullan

Friday 29 October 2010

Look what I can do!

The last few weeks i have been a busy little bee sewing up these cute little bags... (We call them moon bags but don't ask why its one of those things that doesn't make sense if you weren't there and so is just a tad weird!)... any who I'm so impressed with my sewing skills and i now know TWO different stitches which is extremely good as before i started i knew a grand total of none!
My lovely auntie is the one who taught me how to make them and also provided me with the dried lavender to put inside... harvested from her beautiful garden earlier in the year...
They don't really have alot to do with anything but I'm so proud of myself that i had to show them off so enjoy....

On another completely different note this week has been bizarre for me... normally i have no trouble sleeping what-so-ever as in i can sleep anywhere anytime on trains,planes,buses,cars in the morning, in the afternoon, at night, in a bed on the couch, i have even been known to curl up in a little ball on the floor in the staffroom at lunchtime for a 20 minute kip if the mood so takes me... but this last week i close my eyes and just lay there sleepy but wide awake at the same time its so strange i think its excitement but not my usual jump up and down screaming i could throw up I'm so excited excitement more of a extremely zen peaceful excitement in which i dream (whilst awake) of Africa and all the adventures we will so soon be soon as in two more sleeps till we leave!....

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