let me start with an apology... it is almost certain that even I cannot make this post relate to Africa or travelling or anything that my blog is normally about... but today I saw something I just cant keep to myself...Its not often that you see a lady with a beard yet today I saw two... yes that's right two ladies each sporting a beard... why?... do they not have mirrors at their houses? because I'm fairly certain that if i wake up tomorrow with a beard the first thing I will do is grab the closest available wax strip/tweezers/razor that comes to hand... so how can both these ladies walk around with over a centimetre of beard protruding from their chins!?!...now as i write this I'm thinking to myself "are you being a hypocrite Georgia?"... for just yesterday I was complaining to LP that at the moment I look a bit like a man in drag... there is a reason for this and that reason is I'm currently growing out my eyebrows... about a month ago I looked in the mirror from across the room and I looked like I only had one eyebrow!...yes I am guilty of over plucking but its only because I don't actually want to look like a man... be it in drag...once when I was at school a close guy friend of mine turned to me and said "no offence Georgia but you kind of look like a man" I'm sorry but on what planet is that not an offensive comment? luckily I did find it quite funny I'm reasonably sure i don't look like a man (except with my bush man eyebrows) so believe it or not I laughed about it... now I'm not really sure where I'm going with any of this but had to share it with someone beards on women are not attractive...
on another note (which actually does have something to do with Travelling....) today I quit my job from tomorrow I officially only have two weeks left of work... then three days to finish packing,pack up our room,say all our goodbyes and head off into the great unknown...Africa we are coming home....
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