"A journey of a thousand miles begins
with a simple step" - Lao-tzu
A fitting quote really... in just five weeks now we will be heading off on what i would like to call the journey of a lifetime but will hopefully be the first of many epic journeys of lifetimes...time has moved so quickly these last few weeks and it all seems to have rushed up on us... In just 6 days LP will be back from Aotearoa and we will be putting the finishing touch on our preparations (finally getting the dreaded anti-malarials i constantly harp on about,getting the last few bits of gear, get some travel insurance, train tickets to London etc) LP is bringing my hiking boots back from NZ i need to break them back in... (so expect some pics of me in my boots all over town)
our journey is going to take about 20 weeks the distance between Cape Town and Cairo (as the crow flies) is approx 4467 miles...(that's 7189km for all the normal people who use normal measurements!) bearing in mind we are not doing a straight trip that's a lot more miles on the road... so "a journey of over 4467 miles starts with a simple step" and ours was deciding we wanted to visit this amazing continent i think that's a pretty good starting point but still cant wait till we actual take our first step in Africa....
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