patience (noun)- the ability to wait calmly; the capacity to accept delay without getting angry
virtue (noun) = a quality or trait that most people consider to be morally good or desirable in a person
Patience is a virtue....while that may be quite true i seem to lack any form of patience.... today me and LP decided to hit the beach as you do.... off we trundled on the bus and all was going well until it was home time. First up we had to walk up a massive hill to the bus stop which is never fun and got there thinking we had ten minutes to spare... now i don't know about you but to me ten minutes standing at a bus stop doing nothing but wait is an eternity but i put a brave face on and said "not too bad" before plonking my butt on the nearest bench.... alas on further inspection of the time table it became clear it was actually a 35 minute wait! Here i tried to inject some humour into the situation "well whats a trip to the Cornish countryside without waiting a million years at the bus stop" at this point i pulled out my book (carried on me at all times for just this purpose) after 40 minutes waiting and watching two buses drive by bound for Truro but the wrong company any tiny ounce of patience was now gone and grumpy Georgia appeared.... for the next ten minutes i issued a tirade of complaints about waiting at bus stops, accumulating piles whilst the world carried on without me..... LP did what he always does in such situations and smiled and nodded as i ranted..... another five minutes went by and the cell phone came out (now let it be said although i am a constant complainer I'm usually to lazy to actually complain to anyone who can help me instead i take my frustrations out on the nearest available person) a phone call to the bus company achieved nothing more then a "the bus should have been there 25minutes ago" (let it also be said i was nothing but sweetness and light on the phone i also deal with customers on a daily basis and despise people blathering on about things beyond my control (and quite often beyond my spectrum of care-as in i don't care what they are whinging about) so after a none to helpful phone call we resumed waiting fingers crossed that it would actually come and we wouldn't be stuck there another hour (at least) until the next scheduled bus of any company arrived. long story short if i did have any Patience it would have been a virtue as within the next ten minutes the bus had appeared and we were on the way home...lesson of the day get some Patience as i can say with all certainty that things are not at all likely to be as "efficient" in Africa as they are here in Blighty....